RE Group - Edward Chen

RE Executive Candidate's Statement (Edward Chen)

As a RE-MA subgroup member and a well-rounded individual, I have served the Institute and its members in different capacities over the years:

● RE Group negotiation team member who negotiated the new scientific integrity clause and salary increases for many RE members;

● RE Group Executive for two terms 

● RE-MA Subgroup Executive for many terms

● PIPSC Steward 

● PIPSC Awards Committee member

● Regular attendances at the PIPSC annual meetings, RE Group annual meetings and RE-MA subgroup annual meetings and contributed to the discussions

The RE Group is currently engaged in a new round of collective negotiations. We need to work hard to ensure real negotiation around many issues including the new employee wellness program that any new system will bring real benefits and improvements for our members. 

Public science in Canada is challenged by constant changing priorities, unstable budgets, and difficulties in recruitment, retention and promotion. We need to promote the value of public science to our politicians, management in the governments, the media, and the Canadian public.  

If elected, I will work with others to address the problems facing the RE Group, and to effectively represent our concerns within PIPSC and to management.