RE Bargaining Update #3

Your RE bargaining team met with representatives of the Treasury Board and management on February 19 to 21. On your behalf, we presented our monetary proposals as well as articles on sabbatical leave, DS mobility, and solutions to lessen the challenging impacts of Workplace 2.0 in the form of attempting to codify telework and minimum office space in our collective agreement. This completed the full exchange of our initial demands. Likewise, management finalized their non-monetary demands by providing their initial proposals for the Historical Researcher hours of work.

We had enlightening discussions on these and other previous proposals and came to agreement on editorial changes to the collective agreement, as well as an improvement to compensation for travelling time. We hope these initial changes will provide the impetus for the Treasury Board to deal with our priorities in earnest when we meet again for our next scheduled dates in April.

A detailed update on our activities at the table, including our pay proposal will follow in the days to come.