RCMP - Terms and Conditions Comparison Outcome

A Few Notes About This Summary

The table below does not identify every provision of the collective agreements which do not have a comparable provisions within the RCMP Terms and Conditions of Employment. This document is only intended to be a guide for Civilian Members under PIPSC and may not be accurately reflective of the differences between Civilian Members in other unions. Furthermore, it is not intended to be an exhaustive list of every variance between the source documents. For accurate reference, users should refer to the applicable source documents; e.g. RCMP policies/manuals and the applicable collective agreements.

Questions or concerns with respect to the contents of the document should be forwarded to civilian_members@pipsc.ca

Terms & Conditions Comparison Summary - Outcome

a) Hours of Work


40 hours per week, including 30 minute paid meal break


37.5 hours per week, exclusive of 30 minute unpaid meal break


  • Collective agreement applies

b) Meal Break


30 minute paid meal break at regular rate of pay


- 30 minute unpaid lunch

- Overtime applies if required to work through lunch

- Two fifteen minute paid health breaks (depending on the collective agreement)


  • Collective agreement applies

c) Designated Paid Holidays


11 designated paid holidays


Same + “one additional day when proclaimed by an Act of Parliament as a National Holiday”


  • Collective agreement applies

d) Schedules and Shifts


-Schedules are posted 28 days in advance

-Duration of schedules are for at least 28 consecutive calendar days

-Shifts are between 8 and 12 hours


-Schedules are posted 21 days in advance
-Duration for schedules are for a minimum of 28 consecutive days to a maximum of 2 months
-Shifts are between 7 and 9 hours


  • Collective agreement applies

e) Lieu Time


-Hard cap on bank of 80 hours, that can be carried over indefinitely

-160 hour bank for limited duration posts or isolated posts
-Payout is based on substantive position’s rate of pay on March 31st of the previous fiscal year


No cap on bank, however excess of 37.5 hours is cashed out by September 30th, based on hourly wage on March 31st of the previous fiscal year (depending on the collective agreement)


  • Collective agreement applies
  • Credits will be maintained at existing levels upon deeming and will not be prorated to reflect the change from a 40 hour workweek to a 37.5 hour work week.
  • Maximum carry-over provisions under the collective agreement will not apply until March 31, 2021, with excess amounts paid out at new hourly rate.

f) Operational Availability (Stand-by)


1 hour of pay for each 8 hour period of Operational Availability


Similar (0.5 hour of pay for each 4 hour period of standby)


  • OA and OR will no longer apply to CMs.
  • CMs that are required to be readily available on stand-by (OA) during off duty hours will be compensated in accordance with the Stand-By provisions of the collective agreement.

g) Operational Readiness (Stand-by)


1 hour of pay for each 4 hour period of Operational Readiness


No provision


  • CMs that are required to remain on a worksite (OR) during off duty hours will be compensated in accordance with the overtime provisions of the collective agreement.

h) Overtime


-Offers OT at 1.5, 2.0, or 2.5 times regular rate of pay, depending on duration, RTO or TOW
-Working additional hours on TOW in excess of actual scheduled hours of work, grants 1.5 times regular rate of pay
-Working an RTO or on 1st and 2nd day when recalled to duty from vacation leave or LTO, grants 2.0 times regular rate of pay


-Offers OT at 1.5, 2.0, or 2.5 times regular rate of pay, depending on duration, rest day, etc.

- Higher hourly rate of pay (6.67%) for calculating overtime

-Members can qualify for OT at 2.0 times rate of pay if they work excess of 7.5 hours of OT on a regular workday, excess of 7.5 hours on 1st day of rest, or work on 2nd consecutive day of rest and subsequent days of rest


  • Collective agreement applies

i) Call-back


Minimum of 3 hours pay at applicable rate if called-back to work after scheduled shift


Minimum of 3 hours pay at applicable rate if called-back to work after scheduled shift

-Depending on the collective agreement, subject to a cap of 8 hours pay in an 8 hour period or compensation at the applicable overtime rate for time worked; whichever is greater


  • Collective agreement applies

j) Court-Related Provisions


-Court Duty: During a regular shift, member will receive regular pay for attending court arising out of their duties, and overtime pay for court attendance and court related work performed outside of a scheduled shift
-Court Leave With Pay: Same as PIPSC TB


Court Leave With Pay is- triggered for non-employment related matters (called as a witness, etc.)


  • CMs required to travel to and/or attend court for reasons related to the performance of her or his authorized duties (i.e. non-personal reasons) shall be considered on duty at the applicable rate.

k) Designated Paid Holidays Premium


-Regular pay plus premium of 1.5x straight time hourly wage for all hours worked on DPH


Regular pay plus premium of 1.5x for first 7.5 hours of a shift and 2.0x thereafter, or 2.0x for all overtime hours worked on a holiday contiguous to a day of rest


  • Collective agreement applies

l) Meal Break Premium


-Premium is equal to 1.5 times regular rate of pay for the duration of the meal break for meal period not taken

-Triggers after every 4 hours of OT


-Meal allowance of $10.50 or $12 (unless free meals are provided), plus premium pay for working additional hours and reasonable time with pay for the meal period

-Triggers after 3 hours of OT, and every 4 hours thereafter


  • Collective agreement applies

m) Shift Premium


$2 shift premium per hour for eligible hour worked between 1600 and 0800
-No shift premium for overtime


- $2 shift premium per hour for each hour worked between 1600 and 0800 (including overtime hours)

- $ 2 weekend premium per hour, including overtime, on Saturday and Sunday


  • Collective agreement applies

n) Acting Assignments


-Qualifying period is 5 consecutive days
-Duration of acting assignment is limited to 4 or 6 months at a time, subject to language requirements and unless an extension is authorized

-Acting pay is not pensionable


-Qualifying period is between 3 to 5 consecutive days (depending on the collective agreement)
-No specified duration before acting assignment ends – can be indefinitely renewed

-Acting pay is pensionable


  • Collective agreement applies

o) Annual Leave Accrual


0-5 years service 15 days

5-10 years service 20 days

10-23 years service 25 days

23+ years service 30 days

-Earn monthly annual leave entitlement after receiving pay for at least 8 hours in a month


0-8 years service 15 days

8-16 years service 20 days

16-17 years service 22 days

17-18 years service 23 days

18-27 years service 25 days

27-28 years service 27 days

28+ years service 30 days

-Earn monthly annual leave entitlement after receiving pay for at least 75 hours in a month


  • Collective agreement applies, but CMs will retain her or his accrual rate in effect upon deeming, until reaching the next higher increment under the collective agreement.
  • Additionally, the collective agreement provides for two (2) personal leave days per year and a one-time entitlement of five (5) days.
  • CMs will also be provided a one-time vacation leave adjustment of forty (40) additional hours.

p) Annual Leave Bank


Cap of 400h (50 days)


Cap of 262.5h (35 days)


  • Collective agreement applies, but credits will be maintained at existing levels upon deeming and will not be prorated to reflect the change from a 40 hour workweek to a 37.5 hour work week.

q) Compassionate Care Leave


-Compassionate Care - Capped at 5 days, except RCMP has additional option to use this leave for ‘relocating a widowed parent or orphaned brother/sister’
-Bereavement Leave – Max 40 hours per occurrence and no additional days provided for the purposes of travel

-‘Compassionate and bereavement leave’ - capped at 80 hours in a fiscal year, 40 of which can be granted for illness in the family


-Compassionate Care – Capped at 5 days, except PIPSC members have an additional option to use this leave for ‘unforeseen closure of the school/daycare facility’

-Bereavement Leave – Total of 7 consecutive calendar days, with additional 3 days for travel
-‘Compassionate and bereavement leave’ – Leave caps are separated per type of leave, with no cap on number of incidences of bereavement leave in a given calendar year


  • Collective agreement applies

r) Sick Leave


No earning of sick leave credits. Sick leave is granted on an as needed basis with no maximum defined. A medical certificate is required after 4 consecutive days or at the supervisor's discretion


-Current system: sick leave credits earned at the rate of nine decimal three seven five (9.375) hours for each calendar month for which the employee receives pay for at least seventy-five (75) hours

-PIPSC and Treasury Board have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement on the creation of a new Employee Wellness Support Program (EWSP). The proposed EWSP focuses on improving wellness and the reintegration of employees into the workplace after periods of leave due to illness or injury. EWSP negotiations between PIPSC and Treasury Board are ongoing, and are expected to be completed in the near future.

For more information about EWSP and updates, please refer to: PIPSC Employee Wellness Support Program


  • Collective agreement applies. However, upon deeming, CMs will be granted a sick leave bank which is the greater of:
    • a minimum of 65 days or
    • 10 days per year of service (6.25 hours for each completed month of service)

s) Care and Nurturing of Preschool Children (Leave Without Pay for the Care of Immediate Family)


-Cap of 5 years total in a member’s service
-Minimum of 6 months for each occurrence


-Cap of 5 years total in a member’s service (potential to exceed cap if employee is awaiting Employment Insurance (EI) Compassionate Care Benefits)
-Minimum of 3 weeks for each occurrence


  • Collective agreement applies

t) Personal Needs Leave


-Entitled to leave without pay for personal needs once for a period of up to 3 months during a member’s total service

-Entitled to leave without pay for personal needs once for a period of more than 3 months but not exceeding 1 year during a member’s total service


-Entitled to leave without pay for personal needs once or twice (depending on the collective agreement) for a period of up to 3 months during a member’s total service

-Entitled to leave without pay for personal needs once or twice (depending on the collective agreement) for a period of more than 3 months but not exceeding 1 year during a member’s total service


  • Collective agreement applies

u) Maternity/Parental Leave & Maternity/Parental Allowance


-Max of 18 consecutive weeks LWOP for maternity leave and a max of 37 consecutive weeks of LWP for parental leave – or a combined max of 52 weeks

-If 6 consecutive months of service have been completed prior to the leave, while on maternity and parental leave, an employee is eligible for an allowance of 93% of his/her weekly rate of pay less any EI or QPIP entitlements during that period


  • Collective agreement applies

v) Funeral and Burial Entitlements


-Entitlements vary depending on whether the member was serving at the time of death, death was in the line of duty, or retired to pension

-Up to $15 050 to defray funeral expenses (rates are subject to review by the Secretary of the TBS); potential additional 7.9% towards cost of second funeral director
-Option to purchase burial marker/headstone to a maximum of $220 and RCMP will grant perpetual care of it

-Plot or niche is free for CMs and eligible survivors, for burial in RCMP-designated cemeteries


Does not exist


  • CMs shall remain eligible for funeral and burial entitlements. Upon retirement, these entitlements will continue until her or his death.

w) Death Benefits


-Balance of pay for month of death and a death gratuity equivalent to 2 month’s pay (with 2 or more years of service)
-Eligibility and amounts for survivor benefits are the same under the Survivors Income Plan (SIP) and the Public Service Pension Plan (PSPC)


-Balance of pay for month of death

-Eligibility and amounts for survivor benefits are the same under the Survivors Income Plan (SIP) and the Public Service Pension Plan (PSPP)


  • Beyond the scope of negotiation - Legislation

x) Relocation


-RCMP Relocation Directive is similar to NJC Relocation directive, some benefits slightly differ

-2 year limit to claim reimbursement


-Outlined under NJC Relocation Directive
-1 year limit to claim reimbursement


  • Collective agreement applies

y) Pre- and Post- Retirement Relocation


-Relocation expenses are paid on retirement if the member has been posted during their career. Member must relocate more than 40km from principle residence unless occupying Crown owned housing
-2 year limit to claim reimbursement


Does not exist


  • Entitlement is retained for those eligible due to a relocation that occurred prior to deeming.

z) Pension


For as long as you remain continuously employed in the public service, deemed CMs, regardless of when you were engaged with the RCMP (including those hired after January 1, 2013) will continue to be Group 1 contributors under the public service pension plan. As group 1 Contributors, you maintain your existing normal retirement age of 60. This means that deemed CMs will be eligible to receive an unreduced pension payable at age 60 with at least two years of pensionable service, or age 55 with at least 30 years of pensionable service.

For more information, please refer to: s. 387 of the 2014 Budget Implementation Act, volume 2


  • Beyond the scope of negotiation (Legislation)

aa) Veteran Affairs Canada (VAC) Pension Act Benefits


VAC has sole authority to determine whether the member’s medical condition or death was attributable to, or aggravated by, service in the RCMP, and the extent to which the medical condition is pensionable


Covered under Provincial Workers’ Compensation Board


  • Beyond the scope of negotiation (Legislation)

ab) DI/LTD


-Provides a monthly benefit equal to 75% of your gross monthly salary, in the event you are totally disabled and unable to work

-Employee pays 15% of the premium, while federal government pays 85% of the premium


-Once EWSP is finalized, employees with banked sick leave in excess of 26 weeks will be entitled to carry over those excess days to provide extended coverage at 100% income replacement prior to accessing LTD
-LTD will be provided for 70% of pre-disability earnings

-Employee pays 15% of the premium, while federal government pays 85% of the premium

For more information on DI Plan premium rates, please refer to: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Disability Insurance Plan premium rates


  • Beyond the scope of negotiation (National Joint Council)

ac) Life Insurance


$160,000 Basic: Available to Civilian Members, and Retired Civilian Members who meet the eligibility requirements

$198,000 Optional: Available to Civilian Members and Retired Civilian Members who are covered for Basic Life Insurance

Dependent Life Insurance: Available to Civilian Members and Retired Civilian Members who are covered for Basic Life Insurance


Mandatory Supplementary Death Benefit coverage – amount equal to double the employee’s annual salary, rounded to the next multiple of $1000. Contribution rates = $0.15/month for each $1000 (basic coverage)

For more information, please refer to: Public Services and Procurement Canada Supplementary Death Benefit


  • Beyond the scope of negotiation (Legislation)

ad) Health & Dental Care Entitlements and Benefits

-No waiting period when switching over from the RCMP Health Care Entitlements and Benefits Program to the NJC Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP)
-Health care plan number and certificate number will remain the same
-Dental care plan number and certificate number will change, however there will be a seamless transition because there is no waiting period


  • Beyond the scope of negotiation

ae) Fitness and Lifestyle Program


-Maximum of 60 minutes per week of time away from normal duty for physical activity (can be taken in segments of 15 to 30 minutes)
-Personal time for physical activity must be matched to amount of time spent away from normal duty for physical activity


Does not exist


  • Subject to operational requirements, CMs shall retain this benefit for as long as they remain within a bargaining unit (group) represented by PIPSC either within RCMP, or those CMs that will become SSC employees at the time of deeming, for as long as they remain with SSC.

af) Long Service Award


-20 years: RCMP Long Service Medal and Certificate/CM Medallion and Pin and Certificate
-25 years: Bronze Clasp with one Star/CM Pin
-30 years: Silver Clasp with two Stars/CM Pin
-35 years: Gold Clasp with three Stars/CM Pin
-40 years: Gold and Silver Clasp with four Stars/CM Pin


-20 years of federal service: Certificate signifying 20 years of service, signed by the Commissioner
-20 years exclusive RCMP employment: Lapel pin
-25, 30, 35, 40 years: Informal scroll, indicating milestone being recognized


  • Beyond the scope of negotiation (RCMP Policy)

ag) Personal/Volunteer Leave


Does not exist


-Total of 15 hours of leave with pay for reasons of a personal nature

-Leave can be taken in periods of 7.5 hours or 3.75 hours


  • Collective agreement applies

ah) One-Time Entitlement (Formerly known as “Marriage Leave”)


Does not exist


-One time entitlement of 37.5 hours of vacation leave with pay on the first day of the month following the employee’s second anniversary of service


  • Collective agreement applies