Dave Rutherford - NR Group

As a regular serving member of the NR Group within the EN-ENG classification, I currently work in National Defence at HMC Dockyard in Halifax, NS. I am seeking your support for election as the Atlantic Regional Representative to the NR Group Executive.

I have over thirty-five years’ experience having served in both the Canadian Navy as well as the last eleven years as a member of PIPSC and the NR Group. I have been a Member at Large on the Halifax DND Branch Executive and became a steward in 2015. As a steward, I have served our local membership in the areas of consultation, labour relations, staffing and classification.  I have also served as President of the Halifax NR sub-group and believe in fostering good lines of communication between our membership and union leadership in order to best seek member engagement in areas of common and current concern.

My objective in seeking election as the Atlantic Regional Representative is to seek greater engagement with our membership with respect to issues that face the NR Group and PIPSC as a whole. Along with the fundamental expectation of dignity and respect within the workplace, the issue of fairness as well as the contracting out of essential public services remains a prevalent and increasing concern that I feel I can lend a voice to through personal experience.

Thank you for your consideration.

Dave Rutherford