New Executive Committee Election Report


We are pleased to announce the appointment of a new Executive Committee, elected by acclamation and whose terms are now effective.


Marco Girouard, President (18 months - end of term: June 30, 2023)

Lydia Côté, Vice-president (36 months - end of term: December 31, 2024)

Philippe Chartrand, Secretary (36 months - end of term: December 31, 2024)

Jean-Eddyson Cadet, Treasurer (18 months - end of term: June 30, 2023)


We invite you to contact us.


Back to Work

We hope you are all in good health and finding the tools to help get through this extraordinary time. We remind you that your union is there to answer your questions and support you in your efforts. Finally, in anticipation of the end of the fiscal year, we encourage you to take your vacation. Even if the attractiveness of your balcony seems limited to you, unhooking is good.


COVID Related Leave (699)

The Treasury Board has made temporary changes to improve code 699 – the leave code for pandemic-related time off (agencies and other separate employers might use slightly different codes). It’s now easier for public service workers with caregiving responsibilities to access code 699.


If your manager denies your 699 leave request, please contact a steward for support.


Your steward can help you directly or connect you with an employment relations expert for more complicated problems. If for some reason you’re unable to reach a steward, please fill out our COVID-19 help form.


Collective Bargaining Call

It will soon be time to get to work to negotiate the terms of our collective agreement which will expire on June 30th. If you want to take part in the discussions and make your voice and those of your colleagues heard, contact a steward for more information. Work should start shortly.