The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada


Executive Meeting Minutes

Monday August 26, 2024


  1. Call to order:

Satya calls to order

Location: August 8 Stoney Creek    Date:August 26,2024                          Time: 5:30


  1. Attendance: Satya Chaube, Sharon Chiu, Ben Chean, Danitra Maharaj, Robert Stickles, Michael Osei-Wusu

Regrets: Jeremy Siemens


  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Motion to approve.  Moved by Ben.  Seconded by Rob.


  1. Business Arising from previous minutes
    1. CT sim schedule: CT meetings need to be booked out so that staff can attend and still have their lunch. Staff are encouraged to speak to management and bring up their issues.


  1. President's address:
    1. AGM budget was discussed by the SEG resulting in an increase in AGM budget


  1. Financial Report
    1. Discussed using finances for MRT week, and Group socials
    2. Budget balance

Motion to approve.  Moved by Danitra.  Seconded by Ben.


  1. Committee Reports
    1. Labour Management
      1. Key messages for staff
    2. Bargaining
      1. Dates were discussed
    3. Grievances
      1. 3 grievances active
    4. Health & Safety
      1. Walk around was done. New H&S officer orienting well to the process and the software
      2. MSD transferring and repositioning discussed


  1. Summary of Unfinished business & actions
    1. CT sim schedule
    2. Staff training


  1. New business


  1. Adjournment

Satya adjourned the meeting at 8pm.

Minutes submitted by: Sharon