St. John’s CS Subgroup AGM Meeting Minutes - October 10, 2023
Location: Elks Club St. John’s
Date: October 10, 2023 - 5:30 PM
Craig Butler, Lucille Shears, Tracey Locke, Sherry Brown, Christine LeDrew, Mike Lester, Adam Bennett, Scott Squires, Brian Burry, Mike Foran, Melanie Payne, Danielle Lundrigan, Chris Molloy, Paul Neary, Jeff Barnes, James Vey (Virtual), Steve Dillon
Invited guests – Pierre Touchette and Tamara Critch
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Christine LeDrew
Opening Remarks
Christine LeDrew welcomed all to our AGM
Land Acknowledgement
Lucille Shears
Review and Adoption of Agenda
Moved by Steve Dillon, Seconded by Mike Lester.
No objections, Agenda accepted.
Review and approval of minutes from previous AGM
Moved by Scott Squires, Seconded by Lucille Shears
No objections, Agenda accepted.
Business arising from the minutes
By-Laws have been approved and accepted. By-Laws are now on record with PIPSC.
President’s Report
Christine LeDrew presented her report outlining the past years activities of the executive and the events we participated in over the past year.
Financial Report
The financial report was distributed to all.
Sherry Brown provided and update on our current financial status. We are in good standing. Over the past year we have donated to the PIPSC family event and provided PSAC strike support in the form of coffee and donuts delivered to 3 sites in St. John’s.
A motion was brought to the floor by Mike Lester increase our swag budget from $300 to $600. It was seconded by Scott Squires.
All were in favour – Motion carried.
A motion to accept the financial report by Lucille Shears, seconded by Tracey Locke
All in favour, no objections, financial report accepted.
Motions by the members
Election of Subgroup Executive members
Christine LeDrew conducted the election and read the rules and procedures for the election to all in attendance.
The following positions are up for election.
Vice President – 2 Year Term
Secretary - 2 Year Term
3 member at large positions (2 year terms)
Vice President - 2 year term
Sherry Brown nominated James Vey – James accepted
Elected by acclimation.
Secretary - 2 Year Term
Steve Dillon nominated Craig Butler – Craig accepted.
Elected by acclimation.
Member at Large - 3 positions (2 year term)
Steve Dillon nominated Ranvir Rana (absent) – Christine LeDrew accepted on Ranvir’s behalf – Ranvir had reached out to Christine earlier in the day, letting her know he would accept the nomination.
Steve Dillon nominated Scott Squires – Scott accepted.
Sherry Browne nominated Lucille Shears - Lucille accepted.
No other nominations were put forward.
All three were elected by acclimation.
Guest Speakers
Pierre Touchette
Pierre provided an update on the general procedures that occur around a bargaining table. He also explained the concept of arbitration and the factors an arbitrator will take in consideration when determining their decision.
Tamara Critch
Tamara explained the role of the Steward officer and then explained the role of a steward.
There were four draws help for Gas gift cards.
The winners were:
Paul Neary
Jeff Barnes
Melanie Payne
Brian Burry
Christine LeDrew thanked all for their attendance.
Motion to adjourn presented by Danielle Lundrigan and seconded by Brian Burry
All in favour - meeting was adjourned @ 8:00 PM