NOTICE OF 2025 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                                                                            

The IT Québec City Sub-Group will hold its 47th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on:

Wednesday, April 30, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.

at the Le Rascal restaurant

5050, Wilfrid-Hamel Bd, Québec, QC G2E 5X5

Tel.: 418-654-3644


Please confirm your attendance online before April 22, 2025, at

A hot meal, refreshments and parking will be provided free of charge.



  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Adoption of the agenda
  3. President’s Remark
  4. Approval of the 2024 AGM minutes
  5. Treasury
    1. Presentation of the 2024 financial statements
    2. Presentation of the 2026 budget
    3. Appointment of an auditor
  6. Elections:
    1. One (1) President position, 2-year term
    2. One (1) Secretary position, 2-year term
    3. One (1) Treasurer position, 2-year term
    4. Three (3) Director positions, 2-year term
    5. One (1) Director position, 1-year term
  7. Meal break at 6:30 p.m.
  8. Conference: 
    1. Bargaining and mobilization
  9. Miscellaneous
    1. Distribution of door prizes

10. Closing of the AGM 9:00 p.m.


2025 Elections

IT Québec City Sub-Group

Call for nominations

Pursuant to the Constitution and By-Laws of the IT Québec City Sub-Group, take notice that one (1) President position, one (1) Secretary position, one (1) Treasurer position and four (4) Director positions on the IT Québec City Sub-Group Executive will be filled by election at the 2025 Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 30, 2025.

Role of the President: To chair meetings and ensure that the agenda is followed and that parliamentary procedures and regulations are observed at meetings. To represent the Sub-Group at various events.

Role of the Secretary: The Secretary shall maintain a record of meetings for the period prescribed by the policies of the Institute. The Secretary makes sure to send a copy of the minutes to the Institute (one weeknight, about six per year).

Role of the Treasurer: To maintain the financial books in accordance with the Institute’s policies, prepare financial statements and prepare the annual allocation request (one weeknight, approximately six per year).

Role of the Director: To attend the Executive meetings (one weeknight, approximately six per year) and pass on information received to colleagues.

Nominations can be made in writing (a simple e-mail) before April 26, 2025, or at the Annual General Meeting. All nominations must be proposed by a member in good standing, and seconded by another member in good standing. Nominations must be sent to the Elections Committee, chaired by Danick Proulx, at

Example of nomination:                                                   


Subject: Nomination for the IT Québec City Sub-Group elections

Message: The following is the nomination of First name, Last name for the position of Position, proposed by First name, Last name and seconded by First name, Last name.




