We have received a total of 354 responses from the members, after proper screening and sorting ended with 331 valid entries from IT Ottawa West Subgroup members. We are in the process of connecting with the 30 winners of the draw of the $10 eGift cards. All in all, we greatly appreciated your time and effort towards the survey and would like to share with you the insights gathered.
Department distribution of the respondents:

- 70% of the respondents occupy non-managerial positions.
- 60% of the respondents are not on the IT exemption list.
- Only 21% of respondents have a team that is co-located in the same city (meaning all team members can actually collaborate physically in the office).
- 38% of the respondents work in a dispersed team (meaning 50% or more of their team members are not able to meet physically).
- 30% of the respondents are being asked to work in a different office/location prior to pandemic.
- 86% of respondents confirmed Wednesday is the most popular day in the office.
- Working from home has been more productive for the majority of members compared to coming into the office. The Treasury Board did not provide sufficient supporting data for the decision.
- Not enough office space, no designated office space.
- Long and stressful commuting time with inadequate public transportation and much worsened traffic congestion since pre-pandemic.
- Office noise and privacy issues with the new office settings.
- Insufficient and expensive parking.
- Less attractive to and losing talents instead of contracting out.
- Cannot store or not easy to carry office items (laptop, keyboard, mouse, mug).
- Health concerns at work (germs being passed along, dust, mites, pollen, public washroom).
- Environmental impact with longer commute times and harmful emissions.
- Return to Office breaks the trust between the employees and the employers.
In solidarity,
IT Ottawa West Subgroup Executives