Minutes of the IT Montérégie Sub-Group Executive meeting

Date: July 13, 2022

Location: Grigio Restaurant, 1265 Douglas St., Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec


Giovanni Giolti, President

Jean-François Héroux, Vice President

Frédérick Émond, Treasurer (regrets)

Nathalie Tremblay, Director

Francis Beaudoin, Director (absent)

Erick D’Amours, (Director — see note 4.1)

Guest(s): Erick D’Amours (see note 4.1) (regrets)


  1. Call to Order

G. Giolti: The President welcomed the members of the Executive at 7:10 p.m. and thanked them for attending the meeting in person. He mentioned that Frédéric and Erick left messages to say they were sorry not to be able to attend the meeting. For his part, Francis had already mentioned that he couldn’t attend the meeting.

  1. Adoption of the Agenda

            Nathalie Tremblay seconded the adoption of the agenda.

The agenda was adopted.

  1. Review and Approval of the Minutes of March 21, 2022

The minutes were unanimously approved.

  1. Member Status
    1. Erick D’Amours had applied for a position on the Executive.

Given his extensive experience as a steward and former member of the Executive, we decided to accept him in accordance with Article 6.7.2 of our By-Laws.

Reference: 6.7.2 If a position other than that of the President becomes vacant for any reason, the remaining members of the Executive may select an eligible member of the Sub-Group to fill that vacancy until the next election.

Motion accepted by all those present. (Absentees had the option of supporting the motion by e-mail).

    2. Sub-Group name change

This point was clarified at the sub-group presidents’ meeting. The Group will amend its own policy. Each sub-group policy will then be modified automatically.

    3. Issuance of Cheques

National Finance is aware of this, and the necessary changes will be made on a national scale. So, there’s nothing to worry about when it comes to issuing cheques.

  1. Mobilization
    •  ROC (Regional Organizing Committee)

         1. Nothing to add now.

  • Dates of the Next Bargaining Sessions
    1. The next bargaining sessions will be held on October 31 and November 1, 2022.
  1. Date of Return to the Office
      • CSA: Now September 6, 2022. Hybrid mode available. Final.
      • DND: Gradual return confirmed: one day/week. In September: three days/week.
      • HC: Not determined.
      • NRCAN: Hybrid mode is still under discussion. IT staff work from home but have access to the site if necessary. They also removed most of the assigned offices. That hasn’t changed.
  2. Activities (Lunch/Mobilization)
      • There will be a bargaining lunch in September or early October. We must start early. Currently, telecommuting is an obstacle.
  3. Update on Finance with Frédéric
      • F. Émond was absent. Giovanni mentioned that Frédéric sent the financial statements and that the funds have been deposited.
  4. Roundtable
      • N. Tremblay and G. Giolti: Nothing to report.
      • J.-F. Héroux: He reiterated his suggestion to seek training on the situations experienced within the DND in terms of retirement and pensions. Maybe he’ll ask Réjean Michaud, who sits on the Québec Region executive.

10. Next Meeting: October 2022. Location to be determined.

11. Adjournment of the meeting: The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m.


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President’s signature                                                                Date

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Secretary’s signature