IT Montérégie Sub-Group 2024 Annual General Meeting Minutes

(Translated from French)

Date: April 10, 2024

Location: Paulo Gattuso, 30 Taschereau Blvd, Laprairie, QC, J5R 5H7


Giovanni Giolti, President

Jean-François Héroux, Vice-President

Frédéric Émond, Treasurer

Nathalie Tremblay, Secretary

Érick D’Amours, Member-at-large

Pierre Ouellette, Member-at-large


Sandra Guéric, Employment Relations Officer

Sophie Laporte, Member of the Quebec Region Executive

Members present: 27 members in good standing of the Sub-Group


  1. Opening Remarks (6:30 p.m.)

The President welcomed the members and introduced our guests. He thanked the members who came from DND, CSA, Health Canada and even AAFC to attend the IT Sub-Group AGM.

  1. Adoption of the Agenda

The President read out the agenda and asked whether any amendments should be made.

Moved by: Nathalie Tremblay (Secretary)

Seconded by: Yves Guérin (Member)

The members voted unanimously to accept the agenda as presented.

  1. Approval of the 2023 AGM Minutes
    1. The President listed the points from the minutes of the previous AGM.

No questions from the floor.

    1. Business arising from the 2023 minutes

No follow-up required.

Moved by: Nathalie Guertin (Member)

Seconded by: Pierre Ouellette (Member-at-large)

The members voted unanimously to accept the 2023 AGM minutes as presented.

  1. President’s Report

The President presented his report for 2023-2024 to the members.

  1. Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer presented the financial result and the budget for 2023-2024.

Moved by: Frédéric Emond (Treasurer)

Seconded by: Alexandre Lantin-Lacroix (Member)

The members voted unanimously to accept the financial report as presented.

  1. Adoption of the Sub-Group Constitution and By-Laws

No amendment planned.

  1. Elections – Sophie acted as Returning Officer

Sophie mentioned she received two applications for the available positions. These are the positions of President and Vice-President. She asked if others wanted to run for those two positions. Seeing no others for these positions, they are elected by acclamation. Sophie also added that there are at least two important positions to fill. These are the positions of Treasurer and Secretary. She therefore asked for volunteers. Members nominated and supported candidates, and candidates accepted their appointment.

The new IT Montérégie Sub-Group executive:

1 President position (2 years)

Giovanni Giolti



1 Vice-President position (3 years)

Jean-François Héroux



1 Treasurer position (2 years)

      Frédéric Émond



1 Secretary position (2 years)

      Nathalie Tremblay



2 Member-at-Large positions (3 years)

        Érick D’Amours


        Pierre Ouellette



1 Member-at-Large position (2 years)

        Édith Bérubé



  1. Sandra, guest speaker:

Sandra discussed telework: right to manage 2-3 days/week. She explained the 60/40 or 1.5 week/month policy. She also mentioned the cases of employees who are 125 km away/nominated/exempted. She pointed out that a joint committee should be set up at each department. This doesn’t seem to be the case (please check) or take it to the employers council. The right to manage is not really part of the hybrid model directive. Here, it’s important to understand that there must be consistency and credibility.

There were many questions, exchanges and answers between Sandra and the members.

  1. Roundtable

No additions.

10. Adjournment.

Moved by: Sylvain Kalombo (Member)

Seconded by: Érick D’Amours (Member-at-large)

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


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President’s signature                                      Date

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Secretary’s signature                                      Date