CS Vote 2019 - Robert Scott

Robert Scott - Résumé - for Member-at-Large

It has been my pleasure and privilege to serve on the CS Group National Executive as a member-at-large for 3 terms.  Over this time, I have taken on various responsibilities including the roles of Membership Officer, Subgroup Officer and Bargaining Team member.   Most recently, I have taken on the challenge of representing all PIPSC members at the negotiating table as Bargaining Coordinator of the PIPSC Central Table Bargaining Team.  Most critical, amongst our top priorities, is to negotiate a decent wage increase to the benefit of all PIPSC members.

I would like, again, to ask for your support in re-election to the CS Group National Executive where I plan to continue participating in the ongoing work that our team has accomplished and to take part in new initiatives as well.  As a proud public servant and proud CS, I believe that my experience, patience and perseverance will continue to serve this group well.


  • Bargaining Coordinator & CS Representative – PIPSC Central Negotiations Table
  • Member-at-large - CS Group National Executive (2009-2012, 2013-2016, 2016-2019)
  • Member – CS Group Bargaining Team (3 rounds)
  • Founding President of Saskatoon & Prince Albert CS Subgroup
  • Vice President Saskatoon Branch (2006 – present)
  • Regional Consultation President for CSC
  • Key player behind the TUIF t-shirt campaign (Thank a Union It’s Friday)
  • Steward (2000 – present)

We continue to face challenging times as contracting out, privatization, and a difficult bargaining climate all stand before us.  In addition to these challenges, we are facing a new IT Classification standard that will require our due diligence to ensure that fairness and equity are realised.  I shall push forward with determination to fight for the best interests of the CS Group membership.  I’ll continue to mobilize and raise awareness within our ranks.  Our hard work will continue with the momentum that we have built over the past years.  Thank you for demonstrating your interest and solidarity by participating in this election.

I would greatly appreciate your continued support.

Yours, in solidarity,

Robert Scott


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