CS 2019 AGM - 2018 CS AGM Minutes

2018 CS AGM Minutes

June 9, 2018

The Grand Hotel and Suites, Toronto.

Chair Sean O’Reilly welcomed everyone to the CS AGM.

He went over the rules of procedure and it was moved and seconded to use the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure for the rules of procedure. CARRIED

He asked for approval of the agenda. Moved by Stacy McLaren, seconded by Deb Butler. CARRIED

Approval of the Minutes from 2017 AGM Moved by Karim Chaggani seconded by Robert Tellier CARRIED

The chair welcomed Stan Buday, President of the CS Group

Stan welcomed everyone and he spoke to the assembly with a quick history of Toronto. He then introduced and thanked the chair, and introduced the special guests at the AGM, Steve Hindle, Vice President, Steve Waterhouse, guest speaker and past president Luc Carriere.

He introduced the executive of the CS Group.

He gave a bit of a history of the CS Group and introduced the fact that the CS Group has reached its fiftieth year.

He spoke about the bargaining of the last round and gave an overview of it for the delegates. He then talked about the new language in the signed agreement. He also spoke of the creation of the contracting out officer and the challenges that they will be giving to the departments.

He spoke of the pride he has in the bargaining team, executive and the members of the group and stewards.

Stan then took questions from the floor.

CS Group 50th Anniversary launch – Karim Chaggani

Karim provided a presentation on the 50th anniversary of the CS Group by providing a bit of history on the CS Group and introduced a yearlong lead up to the 50th anniversary of the CS Group in 2019.

He has indicated that all year we will be activities and lunch and learns for members.

He asked that delegates take back to their members the information and suggest that any ideas for activities be sent to Karim Chaggani via email.

There was a slide that was introduced by Karim featuring Blair Stannard who wished everyone at the AGM a great anniversary and saluted them

Karim then took questions from the floor.

Contracting out presentation – Eva Henshaw

Eva did a presentation on Contracting out action plan (COAP). She gave a briefing on what the plan was which is an action plan where there is a team of executive members who discuss tenders from buyandsell.gc.ca that are against our Article 30 and 23. They look over the tenders and if they want to question the tender, they will send a letter to the departments. When the responses are received, the team will determine whether or not to file a policy grievance on the tender. Of 193 tenders questioned since end of January, 82 policy grievances have been filed.

She talked about how she and the COAP is perceiving the responses and what changes she is noticing for the responses.

She spoke of the next steps. She talked about correlating the data received for use for the next bargaining round. She spoke also of looking at jobs.gc.ca to compare against the tenders. She talked too of a database that would be available to members on contracting out behind the portal.

She also spoke to the delegates about how they can help in the departments and how to share with other CS Group members and sending the COAP the information from your departments. She also gave out postcards for the members to fill out and posted to the MPs which she provided the addresses for.

Eva took questions from the floor. (Questions were tabled until after lunch)

Guest Speaker: Steve Waterhouse

Robert Tellier introduced Steve Waterhouse (a former CS member from DND)

Steve spoke about knowing Stephane Aubry and Robert Tellier and offered his thanks to the two as well.

He spoke about Cloud computing. He defined what Cloud computing is, what are the pros and cons of using cloud and what is the impact the cloud will be having and the risks.

He defined Cloud computing as a service that is dedicated to be serviceable to everyone with access to the service.

He talked about how Cloud computing has positives that are: Usually sound and reliable structure of Cloud, the datacenters are global so it is easy to access and with virtual machines, very resilient with adding more space. Cloud is also cost effective. They are easy to work with and very flexible.

He also talked about how Cloud computing has some negatives as well such as: technical issues with posture of the cloud by providers that could occur. Also, about how one’s privacy is a concern in the cloud where they could have their private information could be accessed easily.

He gave an overview of the risks and concerns and some horror stories of breaches that have occurred with Cloud Computing.

Steve took questions from the floor from delegates after his presentation.

President’s Address – Steve Hindle (on behalf of Debi Daviau)

Steve made a presentation of the PIPSC and you presentation.

Steve talked about the fact that in 2020 will be the 100th anniversary of PIPSC, he informed that the launch will be soon. He also talked about how we are having a book of history to add to the book written in the 70’s.

He talked about the numbers that make up PIPSC and CS group demographics. Presentation by the President will be provided on the virtual binder.

He also let the delegates know that PIPSC wants to have enhanced influence with those parties who do make the decisions such as government.

Steve also talked about the Phoenix problem and how it is affecting our members.

He commented on the move of Civilian members of the RCMP to PIPSC. Civilian members of the RCMP are now members of the public service and the movement is on to have them signed up or PIPSC.

Steve then took questions from the floor.

Election Report – Guy Abel

Guy thanked his committee of Stan Buday and Dean Corda for their help with the election.

Positions up for election:

Vice President (I Position): Elected was Pierre Touchette.

Members at large (6 positions): Elected: Robert Tellier, Lucille Shears, Stacy McLaren, Karim Chaggani, Tony Goddard, and Yvonne Snaddon.

Guy thanked all candidates that participated in the election. He indicated that the posting on the website will be the Monday after the AGM.

He also gave some demographics for the election by region.

He then took questions from the floor. One question raised was if there were any election complaints and Guy replied that yes there was and gave the results of that complaint.

Bargaining Report – Robert Tellier / Denise Doherty

Robert thanked the executive for putting their support behind him as he begins a second term as bargaining officer.

He gave a report of what had happened since the last AGM in bargaining. He spoke about how the new language helps the COAP. He also spoke of the MOA team that was also included in the last round of bargaining.

He also began our planning for the upcoming round of bargaining in March. He also spoke of the member survey and the results of it.

He also announced the bargaining team for the next round of bargaining and the team includes: Robert Tellier, Stan Buday, Rob Scott, Tony Goddard, Yvonne Snaddon, Eva Henshaw, Lucille Shears, Denis Caissy, Michael Vincent, Dean Corda, Karim Chaggani. CS Executive not named will work closely with the Bargaining Team.

Denise made a presentation on the NOC / ROC.

She indicated that along with the bargaining team, the NOC ROC is very important for mobilizing.

She introduced the leaders of the NOC are Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Stacy McLaren and Guy Abel.

She talked about how the mobilization of the membership is the strength of the CS Group when it comes to bargaining.

She gave some examples of mobilization ideas for the CS Group to get members active.

Robert and Denise then took questions from the floor.



1. CS Executive Elections Eligibility Disposition: DEFEATED

Moved: Rob Scott, Second Stan Buday

Whereasit is common practice to limit candidates to run for one position only in a given election


Therefore be it resolvedthat CS Group Bylaw 4.3 be amended as follows:

4.3 Elections:

4.3.1The election will be held prior to the Group AGM.

4.3.2The elected candidates take office the first business day after the AGM.

4.3.3Any member of the Elections Committee who becomes a candidate in the election shall resign from the Elections Committee.


4.3.4 No member shall be a candidate for more than one (1) position in the same election.



2. 4.2 Term of Office / 4.3 Elections Disposition: DEFEATED

MOVED BY: Craig Bradley, Second Stacy McLaren

WHEREAS the CS Group By-Laws currently permit a serving member of the executive to run for higher office without relinquishing their current position;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following new bylaws be added to the existing by-law 4.2 Term of Office:

4.2.6 Any CS Group Executive Member who declares themselves as a candidate in a CS Group election, for a position other than their current position, will be considered to have resigned their current position on the Executive effective immediately.

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the following new bylaws be added to by-law 4.3

4.3.4 A position vacated, as per by-law 4.2.6, shall be offered during the current election.

4.3.5 If the position vacated, as per by-law 4.2.6, is identical to a position already offered during this election then no additional notification shall be posted.

4.3.6 If the position of Vice-President or President becomes vacant, as per by-law 4.2.6, then a special nomination period of two weeks shall be established by the Elections Committee to allow the position to be filled at the current election.


3. Motion to modify CS Group By-Law 4.3 Elections Disposition: Out of Order

MOVED BY: Tony Goddard, Statistics Canada (NCR) CS Sub-Group

SECONDED BY: Robert Hébert, Sous-groupe CS (RCN) Statistique Canada

WHEREAS the CS Group is the largest and (potentially) the most active group within the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada;

AND WHEREAS the CS Group has no problem attracting sufficient, dedicated and well qualified members to run for positions on the Group Executive committee;

AND WHEREAS the bylaws of our governing body (PIPSC) sets the standard for all bargaining groups and as such in by-law 22.2.2 allows a member to run for only one position in any given election;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the CS Group ByLaw 4.3 Elections be revised to include the following:

4.3.x No member shall be a candidate for more than one (1) position on the Executive in any given election.


4. Motion to modify CS Group By-Law 4.2 Term of Office Disposition: Out of Order

MOVED BY: Robert Hébert, Sous-groupe CS (RCN) Statistique Canada

SECONDED BY: Tony Goddard, Statistics Canada (NCR) CS Sub-Group

WHEREAS it is imperative that the Elections Committee is aware at the start of an election period which and how many positions are to be filled during the current election;

AND WHEREAS the CS Group By-Laws currently permit a serving member of the executive to run for higher office without relinquishing their current position;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following new bylaw be added to the existing by-law 4.2 Term of Office:

4.2.6 Any Executive Member who declares themselves as a candidate in an election will be considered to have resigned their current position on the Executive effective the first business day after the AGM.


Financials: Deb Butler.

Treasurer Deb Butler moved acceptance of the 2017 financial report seconded by Vaden Ellsworth. CARRIED

Deb noted there was an error on the heading. She presented the actuals and then took questions on the financial report.

Deb also moved acceptance of the 2019 budget. Seconded by Tony Goddard. CARRIED

Deb presented the budget for 2019 with 2018’s budget there for comparison.

One new line item with a new Communications plan.

Deb then took questions from the floor.

Motion to receive the Executive Reports on the virtual binder. CARRIED

Moved by Pierre Touchette second by Giovanni Giolti

New Business:

  1. Pierre Touchette moved to form a committee to look at doing a study on possible reforms elections for the CS Group and the report be brought back to the 2019 CS AGM. Seconded by Robert Tellier.

Discussion followed Disposition: CARRIED

  1. Moved by Eva Henshaw Second by Rob Scott Disposition: CARRIED

Group Executive Meetings – Sponsor : CS Group

Whereas Policy on Institute Groups restricts PIPSC covering the costs for executive meetings to not more than five meetings per year.

Whereas five meetings per year have proven to not be enough in order to deal with the group’s business and mandate.

Whereas the policy on Regional executive meetings allows six meetings per year

Therefore be it resolved that the Policy on Institute Groups be amended as follows:

9. Group Executive Meetings

The Group Executive shall meet as frequently as is required, but at least twice a year. The Institute will fund Group Executive meetings up to the amount of the approved budget submitted by the Group Executive.

In preparing a budget for Group Executive Meetings, the following assumptions shall be used:

● not more than six (6) executive meetings, which includes one (1) of which is associated with the Group Annual General Meeting and one (1) associated with the PIPSC AGM;

The mover of this motion indicated that should this resolution pass, it will be forwarded for submission to the National PIPSC AGM with the support of the CS Group and under its sponsorship.

Guy invited everyone to fill out an evaluation for the CS AGM on the CS App.

Stan returned to the podium to give a closing speech for the AGM. He thanked Sean for chairing the AGM and gave him a gift of appreciation. He also spoke in appreciation to Denis Caissy.

He congratulated the Group on a great AGM.

Motion to adjourn: Moved by Craig Bradley, Second Andrea Agh.