The CP Group held its Bargaining Advisory Committee on Saturday June 4, 2022 (in compliance with CP Bylaw 10.11). The Advisory Committee consisted of members of the bargaining team, the Executive and members at large. The Committee reviewed the results of the bargaining survey, presented by PIPSC staff researcher Sara Delaney and the results from the previous bargaining round, presented by CP Group President Andrée Doucet. The Committee composed a significant number of proposals, including on Telework, Hours of Work, Vacation, Family Leave, and Pay. The Bargaining Team would like to thank all those members who gave up their Saturday to work on this Committee.

Following the last round of negotiations and the MOA signed by the Institute and Treasury Board, the proposals will be written in gender inclusive language. Particular attention will be placed on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for all of the negotiations.

The CP Group served Notice to Bargain with the employer on June 7, 2022. Negotiation dates will be set for the fall of 2022.

In preparation for bargaining, the CP Bargaining Team reviewed unresolved bargaining demands from previous rounds; recent collective agreement settlements; and issues brought to our attention by members from the two bargaining surveys. CP members were surveyed the fall of 2021 and May 2022 for their concerns.

Our proposals, along with the employer’s demands, will be published once they are exchanged with the employer.

To keep up with all bargaining updates, follow the “CP Bargaining” on Facebook and “CP Group Bargaining” on Instagram.

Better Together

CP Bargaining Team