On behalf of the CFIA & PIPSC, we would like to take this opportunity to update you on the status of the updated Regulatory Science (SR) job descriptions.

CFIA and PIPSC representatives continue to meet to integrate the comments received from SR employees into the updated job descriptions. As a result of our continued collaboration, we are happy to announce that we have come to an agreement on the content for 6 job descriptions in Operation Branch and are close to an agreement on 7 job descriptions in Science Branch.

In order to effectively complete the final review of the job descriptions, PIPSC, with CFIA’s agreement, has requested an extended deadline. We have committed to finalizing the wording for the remaining job descriptions by May 31, 2020.

Once the job descriptions are approved for each Branch by the Joint Consultation Committee (JCC), they can move forward to the CFIA HR Classification process, which includes a mapping and job validation exercise. In accordance with CFIA’s Classification Grievance Policy, employees of grieved jobs and their managers may be interviewed to confirm whether the duties described in the job descriptions align with the duties performed. The restrictions in place to address the COVID-19 pandemic may affect the length of time required to complete this process.

Subsequently, a Classification Evaluation Committee will be convened to review the job descriptions and determine a group and level using the SR Classification Standard.

We would like to thank all the SR members and the Branch Management Representatives for their hard work during the SR job description review. We look forward to presenting your new job descriptions in the coming months.

Thank you,

The Joint Consultation Committee – CFIA & PIPSC