
Topic and Discussion


  1. Call to order

Brian Busby called the meeting to order at 5:40 PM.

Attending virtually:  Brian Busby, Andra Weis, James Armstrong, Audrey Wojcik, Art Iwinski, Tabitha Fuller, Michael Patterson, Nitin Chowdary

Regrets: Jyoti Tanotra, Louise Lepore

Brian Busby

  1. Approval of Agenda Items

The following tentative agenda was included with the meeting invitation:

  1. Call to order and opening remarks – Brian
  2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting – Brian
  3. Update on planning for the AFS-HQ Sub-group 2024 AGM – Brian/Andra


Brian Busby moved to approve the agenda (seconded by Art Iwinski)

Motion carried.


  1. Minutes from the prior meeting

Brian Busby moved to approve the minutes of the June 25, 2024, AFS-HQ Sub-Group Executive meeting.

An error was noted in the minutes – we agreed to revise and re-circulate via email for approval.

Art Iwinski

  1. Update on Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Audrey provided an update on the venue at the Prescott and informed us that the promotional items have been ordered and are expected to arrive in a few days. They include 25 backpacks (to be distributed by draw), notebooks, cell phone batteries, and pens.

Andra will arrange for translation services at the AGM.

It was agreed that Doug Mason (AFS President) would be our preferred guest speaker - Brian Busby agreed to send Doug a formal invitation.

Brian, James and Tabitha will handle the ballots - Andra has arranged to have one of our retired members assist.



  1. Financial Report

from the Treasurer

The Sub-Group Executive Treasurer, James Armstrong, summarized the financial position of the Sub-Group. James advised that there have been no deposits or disbursements in our bank account since our last meeting - some interest has accrued on the account.


James will request an advance of our annual allocation from PIPSC to assist in covering expenses relating to the AGM.

James Armstrong

  1. Date of Next Meeting and Adjournment

The members of the Executive involved in organizing the AGM tentatively agreed to discuss logistics relating to the AGM on October 17, 2024.


Brian made a motion (seconded by Audrey) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.