The AFS Group Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at the Delta Ottawa City Centre (virtual and in-person). The AFS Group By-Laws provide for ninety-three (93) delegates including the eleven (11) members of the AFS Group Executive. The remaining eighty-two (82) official delegates are allocated on the basis of population by region and chosen by the Regional Representatives.
Anyone wishing to present a resolution at the AFS AGM is referred to AFS By-Law 8.1.6 which states:
“Each member of the Group may attend and speak at Annual General Meetings. Only delegates shall be entitled to move or second motions or resolutions and to vote at Annual General Meetings."
Please use the Drafting a Resolution guidelines below to submit your resolutions. They must be submitted to Shawn Gillis c/o AFS By-laws committee no later than 4 pm (Eastern time) on May 31st, 2024. Resolutions that require a by-law change must be received by the May 31st date and will not be accepted from the floor.
Please note that only delegates to the AGM may have their expenses approved in accordance with PIPSC Policy.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of our AFS Executive
In solidarity,
Doug Mason, AFS President
A resolution is made up of:
TITLE - to identify the problem or issue or its proposed solution
AUTHOR – lists who is submitting the resolution (private member or constituent body)
PREAMBLE – is used when factual information is necessary to support the Resolved section. Each Preamble clause should be written as a separate paragraph, beginning with the word Whereas”. The Preamble never contains a period and each paragraph should close with a semi-colon. The next to the last paragraph should close with a semi-colon, after which a connecting phrase, such as Therefore or Therefore Be It or Now Therefore, Be It is added.
RESOLVED – this section indicates what action is proposed. There may be more than one resolved clause, each stated separately. The word RESOLVED is underlined and printed in capital letters, followed by a comma and the word "THAT". Each resolved clause must be a separate paragraph and may be ended with a period or a semi-colon. The next to the last clause should be followed by the word “AND”.
Link to Resolution Template: