In Memoriam – Ian Tait


We are sad to share the news of the passing of PIPSC Service Award recipient Ian Tait. 

Serving for over a decade on the AFS National Executive, The Taitanator, as he was known by his AFS colleagues, was a force to be reckoned with in the workplace.

Ian was a tireless advocate for members’ rights, constantly fighting for fair staffing. Ian publicly called out management for wasting money on failed staffing experiments and never stopped working to improve the system. Ian asked the difficult questions outside and inside the union. 

Ian served members at all levels of the Institute over the years: sub-group president; AFS Group Executive; AFS bargaining and national consultation teams; and as a branch executive member.  Ian’s dedication was recognized many times throughout his career including receiving the NCR Steward of the Year Award and PIPSC Service Award.

Following retirement, Ian continued to bring forward concerns and suggestions to his union colleagues. The day before he checked himself into hospital for the last time, Ian shared his thoughts on bargaining developments. 

Ian was the longest surviving kidney transplant recipient in Canada. Unfortunately, 42 years of anti-rejection drugs finally caught up with Ian. 

The Taitanator will be missed.