
January 26, 2019 AFS Executive Meeting

Present: Doug Mason (President), Mark Muench (Vice President & CS National Consultation Representative), Chris Roach (Atlantic Regional Representative), Phil Choo (BC / Yukon), Robert Trudeau (Prairies/NWT), Brian Hassall (HQ), Allaudin Alibhai (NCR IT), Shawn Gillis (Ontario), Manny Costain (CS Regional Representative and Recording Secretary), and Al Ravjiani (Toronto).

Regrets: Steve Parent (Quebec)

Staff: Vance Coulas (Negotiator), Jean-Paul Leduc (Negotiator)

Executive Meeting Précis – November 1, 2018

The précis for the November 1st executive meeting was approved as amended and will be sent for translation and posting.

Review of Action Items

Doug led a review of the action items.

Financial Update

Shawn led the Executive in a review of the current financials. The 2018 financials were accepted as presented.

AFS Membership & RANDs

The Executive reviewed the membership report generated on January 15th. The Executive also reviewed the counts by sub group including the number of RANDs in each sub group.

The numbers provided from membership may change as they are not the final numbers.

2019 AFS AGM

The proposed 2019 delegate allocations for the AFS AGM were reviewed and discussed.

The Executive reviewed a proposal for CS and AFS AGM delegates to visit the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

AFS National Elections

Positions up for election include Atlantic Regional Rep; BC/Yukon Regional Rep; Ontario Regional Rep; NCR-IT Regional Rep; and CS National Consultation Rep.The AFS Executive decided to have the PIPSC National Elections Committee administer the election.

Office Closures and Employee Safety

The Executive decided to bring concerns about the safety of employees reporting to work in inclement weather and other hazards, such as smoke from forest fires, to the National Health and Safety Policy Committee.

PIPSC Policy Review

PIPSC is doing a major review of the PIPSC policies and is looking for feedback.  The AFS Executive will participate in the review and provide feedback.

Next Executive Meeting


The next AFS Executive meeting will be April 28, 2019 in Ottawa.