May 2, 3, 2018 AFS Executive Meeting
Present: Doug Mason (President). Regional Representatives: Chris Roach (Vice-President and Atlantic Regional Representative), Shawn Gillis (Ontario and Treasurer), Mark Muench (CS National Consultation Representative), Phil Choo (BC / Yukon), Manny Costain (CS Regional Representative and Secretary), Robert Trudeau (Prairies/NWT), Brian Hassall (HQ), Allaudin Alibhai (NCR IT), and Al Ravjiani (Toronto).
Absent: Steve Parent (Quebec)
Executive Meeting Précis – March 26, 2018
The précis for the March 26 executive meeting was approved as presented and will be sent for translation and posting.
Financial Update
The AFS Group finances were reviewed by the Executive.
Union Management Approach (UMA)
Chris provided an update on new UMA training and its rollout. There will be local and regional UMA committees and they are expected to take the lead, not the national UMA committee. The Unions are requesting a recommitment to the UMA philosophy in each region following the recommitment of the national union presidents. Regional union management consultation committees are not to take the place of regional UMA committees.
2019 AFS AGM
The AFS Group would like to host the 2019 AFS AGM in Winnipeg to observe the 100th anniversary of the Winnipeg General Strike. The SH Group has had their request to hold their 2019 AGM in Winnipeg for June 1st and 2nd approved.
Bylaws Review
The AFS bylaws were reviewed in advance of the upcoming AFS AGM and proposed bylaw revisions were discussed.
Workload Update
The Workload Sub-Committee meet last week and discussed concerns about AFS workload being done outside of the AFS Group. The communique to members was reviewed and revised and will be sent out in the near future.
Phoenix Technical Briefing and Next Steps
On April 26th there was a technical briefing where CRA noted that they had no mandate to replace Phoenix nor any intention to explore any alternatives to Phoenix. CRA was advised that we will continue to lobby for CRA to get the mandate to introduce a payroll system that will pay our members correctly and on time.
Security Consultation
Employees are not allowed to use any cell phone to talk about protected B information. Members can determine if they want to share their personal cell phone number with their supervisor.
Enhanced reliability which is a Treasury Board security status is on hold due to union legal challenges. Enhanced reliability focuses on national security and intelligence. Staff in the charities division, security, the Commissioner’s office and Criminal Investigations Division are expected to require this security level. Employees in Business Intelligence and Quality Assurance and many other areas who currently have Reliability Status Plus security clearance may not need the enhanced reliability status.
PIPSC Strategic Bargaining Committee
Robert Trudeau was selected to be on the PIPSC Strategic Bargaining Committee steering committee with two other PIPSC activists.
Next Executive Meeting
The next AFS Executive meeting will be June 6th in conjunction with the AFS Sub Group Presidents meeting and the AFS AGM.