L'Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada

Regina AFS Subgroup Notice of Annual General Meeting

Please sign up by February 6, 2020 at the latest by providing one of our executive members with a $10 deposit that will be refunded to you when you arrive for lunch.

Our executive members are: Karen Anderson, Jason Busch, Ronald Crook, Dwayne Heimlich, Sean Thompson, and Harmony Szukaylo

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Knox-Metropolitan United Church, 2340 Victoria Avenue, Regina SK (basement)

Lunch 12:00 PM

Pizza, salads and drinks will be served.

The meeting will be conducted while we eat, as we will be short on time.


Approve 2020 AGM Agenda

Approve minutes from 2019 AGM

Approve financial statements as of December 31, 2019

President’s address / new business

Guest speaker: Robert Trudeau

Executive elections for the following vacated positions for a one-year term: President and member-at-large. If the vice-president position becomes vacant during this election, then an election for this position will also be open for a one-year period. If you have any questions regarding the nomination process, please approach one of our executive members listed above. To occupy a position on the executive you must either be a PIPSC steward or you must become a PIPSC steward as soon thereafter as possible.

We are holding elections to address vacancies on our Regina AFS Subgroup Executive for both the President and a Member at Large position for the remaining terms of these positions as per our Regina AFS Subgroup Bylaws (Bylaws). There is one year left on the term of each of these positions. The relevant Bylaws are as follows:

  • 6.7.1 If the position of President becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall assume the position of the President until the next election.
  • 6.7.2 If a position other than that of the President becomes vacant for any reason, the remaining members of the Executive may select an eligible member of the Sub-Group to fill that vacancy until the next election.

As the Regina AFS Subgroup Vice President, I have assumed the position of Regina AFS Subgroup President. However, as per our Bylaws, I can only serve as President until the next election. PIPSC has interpreted this to mean the next Subgroup election (AGM) which is on Feb 12, 2020.