Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time) – Allaudin Alibhai

The views expressed in this biography are those of the candidate and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of PIPSC.


Candidate for Vice-President (Full-Time)

Allaudin Alibhai

(Regular member)

Plans as your PIPSC Vice-President:

  • Strengthen the three core pillars of the union.  Specifically, Bargaining, Representation and Consultation so we can better negotiate for higher salaries than the core public service.
  • Improve our Pension, Medical and Dental Benefits so they better reflect our member’s needs.  Recent changes have created greater inequities between current and retirement benefits and has created a two-tier Pension System for new employees.
  • Establish a mentoring program for new and young members so they can broadly participate in union committees and Employer Consultations. 



  • Ensuring that all PIPSC Members receive a fair wage increase for their professional services.
  • Ensure that Bargaining Groups are provided support and complete research including the latest private sector salary comparables.
  • In 2026 Bilingual (CBC) Requirement for all supervisory positions will take place and we need to have Language Training provided so members have an opportunity for career progression.


  • Members look to the union for advice and help when dealing with management in times of work and personal crisis.
  • PIPSC needs additional Employment Relations Officers (ERO) to ensure that cases which cannot be resolved by the Local Steward are dealt with in a timely manner.


  • Local and National Union meet with management on regular basis to discuss concerns and issues that affect all employees on all topics such as Health & Safety.
  • Dedicated subject matter experts from PIPSC need to be available to assist Consultation Teams in discussions with the Employer. 
  • During the Pandemic as AFS Chair on Health and Safety; regular meetings with CRA were held to ensure that the concerns regarding health and safety including mental health and work-related stress were being addressed.
  • When the Canadian Labour Code was not being followed, I successfully took CRA to Federal Court in ALLAUDIN ALIBHAI v. CANADA REVENUE AGENCY (T-1102-17) 


  • Audit Financial & Scientific (AFS) Group National Executive September 2013 to present

(NCR-IT Region Representative)

  • Steward March 1994 to present
  • AFS Bargaining Team September 2013 to present
  • AFS National Consultation Team September 2013 to present
    • Chair of AFS National Health and Safety Policy Committee
  • AFS NCR-IT Subgroup President May 2010 to February 2018
  • PIPSC Mobilizer October 2014 to present

Vote for Allaudin Alibhai so our Pensions and Benefits are not diminished

and Health and Safety is paramount in the workplace

Original submitted by the candidate