Training and Education Committee

Meeting Minutes

Oct 3, 2022



(Original submitted in English)


In attendance: Samah Henein, Chair

Peter MacDougall, BC / Yukon Region

Pam Kubicz, Prairies / NWT Region

Sherry Oak, NCR Region

Bridget Brawley, Ontario Region

Karine Régimbald, Quebec Region

Carolyn Hynes, Atlantic Region

Richard Gaboton, Education Officer

Joanna Simpson, Education Officer

Shelby Woodman, Staff Resource


Guest(s): Voula Barlas, Finance


1. Call to Order


S.Henein called the meeting to order at 9:12 a.m. at PIPSC, 250 Tremblay Road, Ottawa, ON, with some participants participating via Zoom.


Sherry Oake read the Land recognition.


The Ontario Region has appointed a new Training Chair.  B. Brawley joined the committee for the first time.


All committee members provided a brief introduction about themselves.


The agenda was approved by B. Brawley, seconded by C. Hynes – all in favour.


2. Approval of the Minutes


The minutes were approved pending the provided amendments.  


The committee reviewed all pending action items for 2022.  The item tracking list will be updated, and pending items will be assigned to individuals.


Action: S. Woodman to update the minutes as discussed. 



3. Staff Reports


J. Simpson provided an update on the current projects she is working on.  She advised the TEAM that K. Regimbald will be facilitating the Peer to Peer Training alongside R. Gaboton and herself, on October 31st to November 4th in Montreal.  


She also shared that the Education Survey will be launching in a few weeks.  She thanked the TEAM for providing their comments.  


J. Simpson is currently developing a two day Executive Training course.  This version will be different, as it is more targeted at their roles and functions as an executive, minute taking, how to run meetings, and how to organize the work, etc.  The course will be piloted in the Atlantic at the end of November 2022.


The Collective Agreement Interpretation module has been sent to translation.  Once it has been translated, it will be uploaded to the Education LR Drive.


4. Regional Budgets


V. Barlas joined the meeting to review the TEAM budget (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023).  She shared that the current budgeted amounts can be revised and allocated to different line items.  In order to do so, the regional training chairs must inform V. Barlas, and she will make the adjustments.  


The Chair advised that it is important that committee members track their respective budgets, and to be conscious of what funds are remaining which will avoid missed opportunities.  


The committee reviewed the previous budget to have a better understanding of what was proposed vs what was spent.  


V. Boulas advised that committee members can always reach out to her when questions arise.  


There was a discussion in regards to planning training events a year in advance, as well as preparing the regional training budgets.  


5. Steward Framework


VP Henshaw joined the meeting virtually to provide an update on the Steward Framework.


During the last Board meeting, C. Poirier brought forward a summary of the Steward Framework work plan.  She touched on the three key elements, developing an online steward portal, assigning staff resources to support stewards, and using best practices for volunteer management to help guide the framework.


The idea is to utilize stewards appropriately, and within specific areas.  PIPSC wants to follow other business models, such as Red Cross, who would not exist without volunteers.  Providing training in certain groups/departments/regions/specific subjects is very important, as it will ensure that the Institute can deliver the necessary services to the membership.  Staff will take care of doing the research on best practices. 


VP Henshaw shared that the Steward Application process, as well as renewals will be moved to an online format.  The process needs to be reviewed and modernized, and will allow PIPSC to capture relevant information.


The Institute would also like to develop Recruitment guidance and resources for Regional Directors, which will also involve stewards.  As Stewards recruit on their own, it would be great to provide them with the necessary tools to do so.  Training is a huge portion of the Steward Framework, as such, the desire is to establish different steward learning streams, including soft skills.


S. Henein advised VP Henshaw that she will provide her with a list of the current in person and online training that has been developed by the Education section.  VP Henshaw mentioned that the FTQ has a lot of courses, if they can be relevant to PIPSC, it would be good to review them and use them.  S. Henein shared that earlier in the meeting, we have identified what courses we would like translate.  It was recommended that VP Henshaw reach out to the Regional Managers to see what Lunch and Learn training materials are available within their respective regions, and to confirm their processes for Basic Steward Training, and Advanced Training.  


The ladder of engagement was also discussed.  Following a discussion, there is a need to clarify what roles of the Steward Framework should be handled by the Education section, as well as Mobilization.


It was recommended that the TEAM focus on items 7 – 13 over the next six months.  The TEAM has been asked to confirm whether or not items 7 – 13 fall under the committee.  K. Regimbald shared that stewards who want to become peer to peer trainers should be the TEAM’s responsibility.  She shared that she would like to be involved when selecting facilitators.  As recruitment does not fall under training, it should not fall under TEAM.  It was recommend that Mobilization take charge of recruiting new Stewards i.e. PIPSC 101, and raising awareness of the union and how it operates.


Another part of the Steward Framework is to focus on creating a mentorship program.  Following a discussion, it was decided that this piece will not be tackled in the next six months.  Once the online portal is up and running, we will be able to make a better decision based on the accessible information.  The committee felt that the mentorship program should be a joint effort.  It should be discussed with Employment Relations Officers, as well as members.  A selection criteria will also need to be developed for this


S. Henein advised that the TEAM will begin developing a selection criteria for the Peer to Peer Training during the next meeting.


Action:  VP Henshaw will provide the TEAM with a list of proposed Steward Streams.  Committee Members to provide their recommendations.  


Action:  VP Henshaw will raise questions regarding the roles of Mobilization and Education within the Steward Framework. 


Action:  VP Henshaw will advise C. Poirier that the mentorship piece will be pushed until other things are in place.


Action:  VP Henshaw will reach out to Regional Managers to confirm what lunch and learns are available, as well as the processed for Basic Steward Training, and Advanced Training.


6. Special Training Requests


The Chair requested that someone review the Training Policy, and develop a process and selection criteria.


Action:  C. Hynes to locate the selection criteria that was developed for Special Training Requests.