March 30thth 2020 – Orientation Meeting (Virtual)- Minutes (for approval)




Members: Norma Domey, V.P. PIPSC/Chair, Violina Thomas (HC), Krista Gill (AGcan), Mike Pauley (NB-ENG)

Friends: Sona Rousell (HC), Yuri Kim (CSA), Simon Zhou (HC), Deborah Danhoff (HC), Paulette Poto, (CFIA), Kevin Jacobs

Staff: Michael Urminsky, PIPSC


  1. Introduction and Adoption of the Agenda


  • The Chair asked people on the call to introduce themselves. In particular where they are, their work and why they joined SAC. 
  • The agenda was adopted as proposed. 


  1. Approval of minutes of previous meeting


  • There were no proposed changes to the minutes of the last meeting.  These were adopted as presented. 


  1. Business arising from the previous meeting


  • No business from the last meeting was discussed. 


  1. Reports on Science Activities by Members


  • Michael Pauley - Reported on Study on Climate Change that he had been the lead on and noted a number of programs on climate change in the New Brunswick government.  
  • Violina reported on the science network in the Health Products Branch at Health Canada which was focused on raising awareness of science.  She also drew the attention of the committee to the Montreal massacre commemoration and February 11 which was the International Day of Girls and Women in Science. 
  • Krista - Briefed members on the living lab initiative which was an applied technology initiative focused on developing sustainable farming practices. She also referenced her participation on various social networks such as the WIS network and Sprout a student network. 
  • Yuri Kim - reported on scientists at the Canadian Space Agency facing challenges with career development and professional recognition. 
  • Paulette reported on developments within CFIA London with respect to Animal Health and disease control. 
  • Kevin reported on the Artic and Aquatic Research Project as well as his role in regional consultation and national consultation team at DFO.  He noted concerns surrounding scientific integrity that might occur should there be a change in government. 


  1. Purpose of SAC 


  • The Chair (Norma) introduced members to the SAC Owners Manual.  She drew members' attention to the mandate of the committee (page 17) on responsibilities of members, such as updating PIPSC members, advising PIPSC on coordination activities and advocating with other organizations. She noted PIPSC awareness raising on the muzelling issue of scientists under the former government, as well as outreach on issues such as science integrity. 


  1. Roles and Responsibilities of SAC Members
  • The Chair introduced a proposal on roles of committee members noting that these were just ideas and members have the ability to suggest other roles.  It was also noted that this was a way friends of the committee could become engaged. 
  • Some of the ideas brainstormed included the following
  1. Giving input on the science membership survey
  2. Supporting the VP Liaison with the main science groups.
  3. Climate change is an important portfolio that should be considered. 
  4. Career Development and Expertise are an important issue that could be an issue members watch. 
  5. Some members expressed interest in Women and Science and Science Integrity Portfolios. 
  6. PIPSC Web Site
  • Norma reviewed the SAC Website with members.  


  1. Other Business
    1. Norma encouraged members of the committee to come back to the committee with ideas on how the SAC could help with COVID 19.  Things such as facilitation sessions, SAC as a forum to put out current science or assist with mental health


  1. Action Items from Meeting
  1. Next Zoom Call to deal with PIPSC/SAC Operational Plan for Science 2020-2022 status and content (April 6 2020) 
  2. Deborah to send information - Supervision by non experts. 
  3. Yuri was going to email information on scientific expertise - list of files 
  4. Michael Pauley was going to send a link to study he referenced. challenges. 



1) SAC webpage: