Meeting Minutes
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Zoom Videoconference
Present: Jennie Esnard, Chair
Tracy Thornton, BC - Yukon Region
Samah Henein, Prairies – NWT
Din Kamaldin, Ontario Region
Charlotte Young, NCR
Richard Gaboton, Education Officer
Shelby Woodman, Staff Support
Regrets: Dotty Kelland, Atlantic
Sonia Richard, Québec
Guests: Gordon Bulmer
1. Call to order/Introductions
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. via Zoom videoconference. J. Esnard thanked everyone for joining the meeting.
2. Approval of the Agenda
The agenda was approved as presented with the addition of:
- CLC Disability Working Group Report
- CLC LGBTQ+ Working Group Report
3. Approval of the Minutes
The minutes were approved as presented.
There was an inquiry in regards to the status of the Anti-black racism sessions that R. Gaboton is assisting with in the Toronto Regional Office.
As the sessions are still being developed, it was recommended that R. Gaboton provide an update during our next meeting.
4. CLC Disability Working Group Report
S. Henein attended the CLC Disability Working Group meeting on August 5, 2020. The main focus was Covid-19, and its effect on the disabled community. The “Accessibility Canadian Act” supports the creation of Canada without barriers to accessibility. Accessibility Standard Canada reviews the standard for Federal employees to ensure that it is barrier free.
The group discussed a draft prepared by Accessibility Standard Canada – their guidelines include many topics; working from home, returning to work, equipment, and accommodations. They will create 3 guidelines about accessible service delivery, barriers created by emergency and public health measures, and accessible communications.
In July 2020, S. Henein requested that President Daviau support the “Include me Canada” initiative. The letter was sent to the Prime Minister, Minister of Health, and the Minister of Employment. The letter focused on the effects of Covid-19, and that disabled persons are at the bottom of the list. The letter urges the prime minister to ensure that all humans are treated equally.
During a meeting with the CLC in May, the working group discussed the high rate of unemployment of disabled people pre-covid. They also discussed how Covid will affect people who work from home. There is a possibility of additional injuries, whether it be due to inadequate set up, mental health issues, stress, trauma, pain, etc. Employers need to be prepared to deal with these issues
G. Bulmer joined the meeting to discuss what the HRDC can do to assist with moving the agenda to PIPSC members. ?
He recommended that we stop looking at things in silos, and start supporting diversity as a whole. We need to consider the cross-connections within the different equity groups.
It was recommended that the committee participate in virtual pride events, as it will promote the HRDC’s visibility. Sharing links, exchanging information with people in other Unions can be very beneficial. It is also important to celebrate the different significant dates and shows the HRDC supports for them.
During the CLC Human Rights Training, one of the most moving exercises was acknowledging your own personal privilege. It was recommended that anyone who is able to attend the CLC Human Rights course should definitely take advantage of the opportunity.
In 2013, the Bias and LGBTQ 101 presentations were designed specifically for stewards to support members. We need to educate members and stewards as much as possible on all Human Rights matters.
We need to keep raising visibility, and being their voice. Being there for members to talk to would be great.
Action: S. Woodman to share the Bias 101 & LGBTQ 101 presentations with the committee.
6. Board of Directors News
With the help of R. Gaboton and Communications, J. Esnard drafted a mandate for the Black Caucus and presented to the Board of Directors. It was approved, however there were concerns as to why it was not going to the AGM for approval. She informed them that due to the By-laws it would delay any progress with the other portfolios.
J. Esnard also advised the Board that she will be seeking approval for caucuses for the remaining portfolios as well. That being said, she will be reaching out to committees members to enrich the mandates of each respective portfolio.
For planning purposes, it was recommended that a timeline of a year in advance be prepared by November for each portfolio. This would assist the committee in outreach to the membership.
7. Anti-Black Racism Webinar
R. Gaboton advised that he spoke with Larry Rousseau yesterday in regards to speakers for the Anti-Black Racism Webinar. The idea was to have bilingual speakers; one will focus on racism in the society, and another in regards to racism in a union setting.
It was suggested that a registration process take place, in order to ensure that the Zoom platform can support the amount of participants.
8. Recruitment for Caucuses
J. Esnard encouraged committee members to secure bilingual speakers for each of their respective portfolios. It was requested that once a speaker has been secured that committee members inform the Chair. All accommodation requests should also be taken into consideration.
There was a discussion in regards to the formation of the different caucuses. It was suggested that a call be sent to the membership advising of the newly created caucuses. It was recommended that each of the caucuses have a regional representation.
R. Gaboton offered to provide D. Kamaldin with contact information of someone who may be able to guide him in the creation of the Black Caucus.
Action: R. Gaboton offered to provide D. Kamaldin with contact information of someone who may be able to guide him in the creation of the Black Caucus.
9. Round Table
Educating members is the main priority. J. Esnard will be meeting with the TEC to ensure that stewards across the country receive training on racism.
She will be reaching out to all committee members for some data on each of their respective portfolios in order to create mandates. The mandates will then be submitted at the Board meeting in September.
C. Young advised that she has been sharing links related to Indigenous and LGBTQ matters on Facebook.
She will also prepare a summary as to what she would like to do with the Indigenous and LGBTQ portfolios.
10. Next Meeting Date
Action: S. Woodman to send a Doodle poll to confirm the next meeting date.
11. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.